Eligibility Information
Legacy exists for the purpose of teaching children to leave a legacy by becoming effective communicators for Christ. Our parent-run club fosters a family environment of fun and encouragement while requiring a high commitment. Please carefully read and prayerfully consider our guidelines prior to club application.
Read below to learn more about Legacy.
In order to join Legacy and compete in tournaments, families must meet the following criteria:
1. Age
Competitors shall be ages 12 to 18 on October 1 of the current school year.
2. Statement of Faith
Must agree to the Stoa Statement of Faith:
1. There is one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:16, Matthew 28:19, John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 13:14)
2. Man is sinful and therefore separated from God, who is holy and perfect.
(Isaiah 53:5-9, Romans 3:23, I Peter 1:15-16)
3. Jesus Christ paid the eternal penalties for our sin through His death on the cross.
(Luke 24:46, I Peter 2:21)
4. Jesus Christ also resurrected bodily and ascended into heaven and will return one day to fulfill His kingdom. (Matthew 28:6, Revelation 19:11)
5. Only through Jesus Christ and the grace of His provision of salvation, may we be saved from eternal punishment, enter into God’s family and receive eternal life.
(Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:11, I John 1:9)
6. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible and authoritative Word of God and the truth for Christian faith and practice.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21, John 17:17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Psalm 19:7-11, John 6:67-69)
3. Home Educated
If the following statements can be affirmed with a yes, the student shall be deemed privately home educated for Stoa purposes:
Parent or legal guardian(s) direct the educational choices for the student, including the use of dual credit, online/ offline courses, cooperative courses, private tutored courses, and other parent directed methods that support the student’s educational plan; and
Parent is the authority to award the Stoa competitor junior high or high school credits and grades; and
Under the laws of your state, if your state defines homeschooling, the student is classified as legally “homeschooled”; or if your state does not define homeschooling, the student is not enrolled in a public charter school or any type of K-12 public school educational program; ; and
Parent or legal guardian(s) are not the direct recipient of public funds (whether local, state, or federal) whose purpose is to cover the student’s education-related expenses.
4. Level of Education
Stoa student is classified as actively homeschooling as a junior high or high school student, and
not previously graduated,
nor taking college classes full time or the equivalent of full time (e.g. 12 hours/semester or 9 hours/quarter)
5. Summer Camp
The student and one parent must attend a Legacy board-approved summer camp before application.
Lindsay Speech Camp June 3-7, 2024, 1-5 pm, San Jose, CA. We highly recommend this camp, which is taught by one of Legacy's founders, Barb Lindsay, who has decades of experience in teaching public speaking. Personalized attention at this small, local camp helps students and parents get a solid start on Stoa speech events. More information and registration are here.
Helmsmen Speech Camp, July, Georgia
NIHD Camp, Aug 12-16, 2024, weeklong camp, Twin Peaks, California.
6. Application
Applications for 2024-2025 are due July 15, and have been emailed to families who have attended an approved speech camp. Two references and a family interview will be needed. Email questions to legacyspeech@gmail.com.
If you have not attended speech camp but would like to apply, please contact the Legacy Board at legacyspeech@gmail.com We will schedule an information session with you and work with you to make arrangements to attend an approved speech camp.
If you are interested for the school year after this coming one, 2025-2026, fill out this Google Form.
7. Financial Cost
Dues are $200 per student. $100 is due in August, and $100 is due in January.
Families must become Stoa members after acceptance into Legacy, which is $95 (or $125 after Sept. 30) per family per year.
Other costs are associated with attending at least 4 tournaments per year, including tournament fees and expenses related to travel and lodging.
8. Time Commitment for 2024-2025
Club Meetings: Approximately 2 Fridays per month – 2:25 pm-6:00 pm, Sept-May. Schedule varies slightly based on tournament schedule.
Location TBD (likely at 5151 Carter Ave., San Jose, an additional facility of St. Timothy’s Church)
Attendance is required for every meeting. Every parent will critique speeches and also have jobs within the club.
Parent attendance required, no drop-off. No exceptions. Non-club siblings can attend certain club meetings.
Outside of meetings, students spend approximately 2-6 hours per week working on their speeches. Student should also seek opportunities to serve within the club and also outside service opportunities.
Kick-off party (Sept. 14) and first meeting (Sept. 20) is in Sept. 2024. Dates are tentative.
2 “Dads' Nights” during the school year. Dads are expected to attend these evening sessions to critique student speeches. These are community-building events with a family potluck dinner.
Two speeches minimum. One speech must either be an interpretive or platform speech.
4 tournaments minimum. Tournaments are in Northern California and Southern California.
Both parents need to help with our two tournaments, which will probably be in winter/early Spring and in March/April. Parents will have jobs before the tournament and must be available all day during the tournaments.
Community Judge Recruitment: Recruiting good quality community judges is a tournament task for all families. Having a large selection of community judges is essential to keeping our tournaments running smoothly and on time. Judge recruitment is also a witness for Christ and for the home schooling lifestyle, as unsaved people who enjoy the idea of working with kids come and see our students will be exposed to the Stoa league’s community.
We have high standards for respectful and honorable behavior. May our thoughts and actions reflect our love for God and one another. Here are guidelines for behavior at Legacy functions.