Prospective Families
Interested in 2025-2026 season?
If you are interested for the school year after this coming one, 2025-2026, fill out this Google Form. In Spring 2025, we will send emails with information for interested families.
We will have two dates where families can come to visit:
1. March 14, 2:30-6 pm Friends and Family Visitor Day
2. May 16, 4-6 pm Open House / Showcase
Before joining Legacy, families are required to attend a speech camp, with at least one parent accompanying the student.
Legacy will be hosting a local speech camp in San Jose from July 14–18, 2-5 pm.
Total cost is $350 per student, $35 per parent (for materials). Siblings are $300.
Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm Mon-Fri. Starts promptly at 2:00pm, so arrive early and be ready in your seats.
A minimum of five students must enroll for the camp to take place. If this camp does not reach the required enrollment, alternative camps will be available through other speech organizations. However, their dates are not yet confirmed, and they will be held outside the area—in locations such as Northern California (a few hours away), Southern California, or Georgia.